Armagh Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

        Newspaper Articles from 1860 to 1869

13 January, 1860

Click image to enlarge it.


3 March, 1863

Yesterday, a new and beautiful Model School was opened in Lurgan, the site of which is situated within a few perches from the railway station. There was a good attendance of the nobility and gentry of the place, amongst whom were.

 The present Lady Lurgan, Mr. and Mrs. Crossley, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Knox, Mr. Wallace, the Vicar-General of Down and Connor, Mr. G. Mayne, Rev. H. and Mrs. Murphy, Mr. E. Douglas, Rev L. E. and Mrs. Berkeley, Miss Harper, Mr. J. G. and Mrs. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Pelan, the Misses Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, Mr. Hancock, J.P., and family; Mrs. Patterson, Dr. Thomas Shaw, Mr. and Miss Miller, Miss Bell, Mrs. Girdwood, Mr. and Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Hazelton, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Watson, Miss Malcolm and Mr. S. Malcolm, Dr. Patton, Head Inspector; Mr. and Mrs. Carrick, Mr. Molloy, District Inspector; Mr. George Riddel, Mr. A. Osborne, District Inspector of Newtownards; Miss Johnston, Mr. W. Gray, from the office of the Board of Public Works.

This school was erected from a design furnished by Mr. Owen, architect of the Board of Public Works, and reflects the highest credit on his taste. Although the erection of the building has cost the large sum of £6,000, there is no extravagance of ornament expended on it. The work is plain and simple. The building was commenced in the Summer of July, '61, and brought to completion in the latter part of 1862. It is very commodious. The arrangements are excellent, and the building is replete with all the necessary requisites and appliances. The various departments of science are illustrated by diagrams and models, and thus the facts are impressed on the minds of the pupils with greater ease. The building is a beautiful specimen of architecture. The exterior of the building is as pleasing as the interior, which is well arranged and very neat. The boys' school, which is 50 feet by 30 feet, is intended to accommodate 108 pupils. The girls' school is 40 feet by 30 feet, and will, it is calculated, accommodate 65 pupils. The department for the infants is thirty feet by twenty-five feet, and is intended to accommodate forty infants. The ceilings of each of the departments are lofty. To the boys' and girls' schools are attached separate play-grounds, with airing shades, which are each ninety yards by forty. In the erection of the building everything has been done which could conduce to the comfort and health of the pupils, and it must be a great boon to the poorer classes in Lurgan to have such an opportunity of giving their children such a superior education at a merely nominal price. The contractor who executed the works is a Mr. Kerr, of Dublin.

After the children had been examined, Dr. Patton said that, owing to the absence of Lord Lurgan, the Bishop, and Dr. Henry, President of the Queen's College, and Commissioner of National Education, he did not think it necessary to have any formality attending the opening of the Model School. In the other Model Schools it was thought necessary that the Head-Inspector should read an address, but it was considered unnecessary for him (Dr. Patton) to do so on the present occasion, as the system of National Education was so well understood, and was now beginning to be fairly appreciated. He might mention that that school would be conducted on the same principle as the Belfast District Model School, and the Newtownards, Carrickfergus, Ballymena, and Monaghan Model Schools. Like the four latter, this school was a minor Model School. If the children increased in numbers sufficiently, it would be very easily converted into a District Model School. An efficient staff of teachers and assistants, he might observe, had been already appointed, and pupil teachers and monitor would be appointed as the number of scholars increased. He might mention the names of the teachers and assistants for -

The Boys' School - Mr. Greer, E.C., late head-master in the Omagh Model School, had been appointed head-master of the Lurgan Model School; first assistant, Mr. Lenaghan, R.C., of Belfast; second assistant, Mr. Porter, Pres. late of Belfast Model School.

The Girls' School - Mrs. Campbell, R.C., late head-mistress of Ballymena Model School, had been appointed head-mistress; first assistant, Miss Small, Pres., late assistant in Newtownards Model School; second assistant, Miss Coyle, E.C., late of Belfast Model School.

The Infants' Department - Miss Kennedy, Pres., late assistant in Belfast Model School, had been appointed head-mistress; Miss Rogan, R.C., of Belfast, first assistant; and Miss Brown, E.C., late of the Dublin Normal School, second assistant.

The number of pupils on the roll amounted to ninety-one; and, considering the existence of so many good schools in the town of Lurgan, it was certainly more than he (Dr. Patton) expected; and he had no doubt that, before one year had elapsed, the rooms would be well filled.

In the Boys' School there were - Of the Established Church, 27; of Roman Catholics, 6; of Presbyterians, 6; and of Wesleyans, 6.

In the Girls' School there were - Of the Established Church, 12; of Roman Catholics, 4; and of Presbyterians, 9.

In the Infants' School there were - Of the Established Church, 12; of Presbyterians, 8; and of Wesleyans, 1.

We might mention that one-half of the children would be admitted at a penny a week, and the other half would be admitted at between two shillings and sixpence and five shillings a quarter, according to the circumstances of the parents. With respect to the religious instruction, it had been arranged by the clergymen of the different denominations, whom he was happy to see around him, that on Fridays religious instruction would commence at ten and terminate at eleven in the morning, and on the other days of the week religious instruction would commence at the same hour, and terminate at half -past ten. On Fridays the clergymen would attend, and on the other days religious instruction would be given by the teachers of the different denominations to which they belonged. Dr. Patton then read the following letter, which he had received from the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor :-

"Palace, Holywood, Feb. 27.
MY DEAR SIR, I am very sorry I shall not be able to be present at the opening of the Lurgan Model School, as I am obliged to go to Edinburgh on account of the illness of a member of my family. I inspected the building last week, and it has every appearance calculated to make it a first-rate educational establishment, and I have no doubt it will be fully appreciated by the intelligent inhabitants of Lurgan, on whom it will confer a great benefit. I have little doubt that, when in active operation, it will be instrumental in correcting many of the misrepresentations and removing some of the prejudices against the National System of Education, which I am happy to say is yearly gaining in the estimation of the public, and securing the adhesion of the intelligence of the country.
I am yours very truly,

Dr. Patton then expressed his regret that Lord Lurgan was unable to attend owing to indisposition, but her ladyship's presence would make up for it. (Great applause.) He had received an apology from Dr. Henry, the President of the Queen's College, and one of the Commissioners of National Education, expressing much regret that University business prevented him from being present, and stating that he (Dr. Henry) would take the earliest opportunity of paying a visit to the school as soon as it was set in working order. As they were only commencing, he could not expect any gentleman to say anything as to the working of the school; but if anyone had anything to say as to their prospects - he hoped they had no fears - he should be happy to hear him. (Applause.)

The visitors were then entertained with the music of the harmonium, after which they proceeded to inspect the various rooms, manifesting great interest in all they saw.

Read more about the Lurgan Model School HERE


15 September, 1869

On Friday evening much commiseration, mingled, it must be confessed, with some amusement, was excited among a number of people whose attention was attracted by the spectacle of an elderly countryman who paced the foot-way along the river Bann, wailing loudly, wringing his hands, and with every other demonstration of deep grief. Upon interrogatory the poor fellow told a melancholy narrative, from which it appeared that he was a small farmer living in the region of the Ballygargan in this county, and that on Sunday last, while himself and other members of his family were at Mass his daughter eloped with the servant man, taking with her £45, the produce of a colt sold by her father at Portadown fair. The poor father's consternation at this unfilial leave-taking was only excelled by the indignation of his eldest son, and instant measures were taken if not to rescue the young lady, at least to recover the money. The fugitives were traced to Belfast, whither they were followed by the girl's brother, who on Wednesday last succeeded in hunting up the couple in a lodging-house. A stormy scene very probably ensued, for the result was that the irate brother extorted from his frightened relative and her Lothario, not only the balance of the sum with which they had absconded, but also two passage tickets to America which they had purchased. But to all inducements, whether by threat or entreaty to return home, the young woman turned a deaf ear, although forsaken by her false lover, who seems to have been frightened clean out of sight, and had gone, like Buckingham, 'no one knew whither.'

The girl's brother, finding his efforts ineffectual, wrote to the old man who hastened at the summons, and arrived on Friday night, to find the state of things reversed, and that it was his son, not his daughter, who was the fugitive for in the interim between writing the letter and his father's coming, the faithless young fellow had surveyed the situation, and finding himself master of a sum of money and a passage to the Americas, had yielded to the temptation, and sailed that morning, leaving the second passage ticket in the envelope addressed to his father. The grief of the disconsolate parent at this discovery may only be imagined; nor was it lessened by the conduct of his daughter, who stubbornly refused to return home with him, continued obstinate throughout the afternoon, and capped the climax by making off in the evening with the other passage-ticket and her father's overcoat.


14 July, 1860

The 12th of July did not, it appears, pass over without a serious, if not fatal, breach of the peace. The papers publish this morning accounts from Lurgan, in the county of Armagh, where a fearful collision took place, in which no less than sixteen persons of the Roman Catholic party were wounded, two, it is feared, mortally. One version of the affray is as follows:-

Large parties of those connected with Orange Societies, or sympathising therewith, including women and children, entered Lurgan from the country districts, and were accompanied by fifes and drums; there were several thousands, in all, and they attended Divine service in the parish, church, and afterwards separated to return to their respective homes. One of the parties, on arriving at about two miles and a half from Lurgan, was met at a place called Moyntaghs, near Derryadd, by Roman Catholics, and a riot ensued. The disturbances having continued for some time, some of the Protestants returned to a Protestant house in the neighborhood, and there procured firearms, with which they returned to the spot, and fired at the Roman Catholics, 16 of whom were wounded, and two of them (Thomas Murphy and Charles McCann) are not expected to recover.

The riot occurred near to a Roman Catholic chapel. Ten arrests were made, some on the declaration of the dying men. An investigation was held in Lurgan, before Lord Lurgan, J. Hancock, Esq., and W. M. Miller, Esq., B.M., when five of the prisoners were discharged, two admitted to bail, and the other three committed for further inquiry.- Great commotion and excitement prevail in Lurgan.


29 August 1862

That very large and extensive concern in William Street Lurgan, within two minutes walk of the Railway Station, measuring in front 126 feet, and from front to rear 179 feet, well adapted for a Factory of any kind, and at present fitted up in good style as Linen Warerooms and Lapping-Rooms, and will Let either by the year or for a term of years.

Apply to ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Lurgan.


18 November 1861

Today at two o’clock, the new Orange Hall, recently erected on the site of the old Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Castle-lane, Lurgan, was inaugurated by a great public meeting. The Hall has at one end a raised permanent platform, or dais, over which has been placed in stucco work, the Crown, Sceptre, and Bible, with the well-known figures, 1690,” and the suggestive names, Derry,” Aughrim," Boyne.” Behind the chair was hung the flag Lurgan Lodge 63,” and at the opposite end of the Hall the flag of Lurgan Lodge, 43,” and Lurgan Lodge, 91.” In a niche in the side-wall of the Hall to the right of the chair, was placed a beautifully bound Bible, thrown open, and in similar niche the left the chair, miniature statue of William III, on horseback, and gaily decorated with the insignia the Loyal Order of Orangemen. Appropriately placed underneath this was Mr. G. F. Folingsby’s splendid painting The Relief of Derry,” and adjoining a painting of William Crossing the Boyne.” Over the entrance is very neatly-framed orchestra, in which a brass band, formed of members of the Lurgan and Portadown Protestant amateur bands, played several tones—not party ones—during the day. , There was large attendance of the members the Loyal Orange Society from the surrounding districts, with several gentlemen from distance, all wearing their insignia.

The chair was occupied by Stewart Blacker, Esq., Grand Master the County Derry and Deputy Grand Master of Ireland. Amongst those present were— Wm. Johnston, Esq., Rev. Charles Waring, Senior Grand Chaplain; Rev. M. St. George, Hillsborough; Rev. Dr. Miller, Vicar of Belfast ; Parker Synoott, Esq., Charles M. Arundel, Esq., Wm. Jas Gwynne, Esq., Antrim; Rev. Mr. Hamilton, President of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Conference; Rev. Mr. Robinson, P. W. M. Minister, Ac. Mr. Armstrong, District Master, moved Mr. Stewart Blacker to the chair, which was seconded by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, and passed with acclamation, and the chair taken accordingly. The Chairman called upon the Rev. C. Waring, their senior grand chaplain, to open the proceedings with religious services. The Rev. Mr. Waring then engaged in prayer, and afterwards read Psalm cxxii.

The Chairman—Brethren, allow me to congratulate you upon the present occasion, in standing in our own Hall in this district (applause). Many a long day have we waited for it and wished for it, but, brethren, good day has come, and only wanted the prosecuting of Orangeism to render you all more energetic and earnest in the cause which all love; and now, as the result of that persecution stand in our own hall in the town of Lurgan (applause). Are we dead? (cries of no, no). How many Orangemen are there in Ireland? I think the good old principles have so taken root in Ireland that we could still show good stout army of 150,000 Orangemen (great applause). We should be ashamed of ourselves if we could not; because in Canada we have planted good scion of a good old tree, which now numbers 150,000 men; and shall we have to say that we have less, or that we are weaker than our offspring? (no, no). We are proud of our brethren in Canada, and right warily do we unite with them in heart and sympathy. Now, when anarchy reigns over the Atlantic, they raise the shout of loyalty to the throne of Britain, and in the midst of all that anarchy and confusion they stand the Bible, and the principles of loyalty inculcated in it, and re-echo back to our shores the spirit and sentiments that animate and inspire us home (great applause). Brethren, I congratulate you sincerely, not merely upon the exertions made by yourselves, and upon the subscriptions which you have paid towards having this magnificent hall erected, but upon having secured the sympathies, the generous sympathies, of the public in the matter. They feel you have been persecuted. They feel that if you were allowed to take fair and proper stand before the public that you would show the public that you deserve their respect, esteem, and regard (prolonged applause). It is a gratifying thing for me to be called upon to take part in this meeting. We have here a place to which we are not ashamed to ask the ministers of any Protestant community to come and to meet us here as a band of brethren. And can ask the gentry of Ireland to meet us—not in any public-house, but in a beautiful hall built for our own use and for the common good of our common Protestantism. Every Protestant can meet in this Hall—the Presbyterian, or Methodist, or Nonconformist, or of the Established Church of England and Ireland. We have one common bond of brotherly feeling and love.


22 February 1869

Lurgan, Feb 19—The inhabitants of this town are to-night celebrating in a most befitting manner the unparalleled victory of Lord Lurgan's famous dog, Master M'Grath. The rejoicings began shortly after seven o'clock, at which hour large numbers of people had assembled in the leading streets of the town. Market-street, opposite the Mechanics' Institute, and directly facing the stately entrance to Brownlow House, was a huge pyramid of barrels, around which stood an immense crowd cheering alternately for Lord Lurgan and Master M'Grath.

The Brownlow Arms Hotel, adjoining the entrance to Lord Lurgan's demesne, was illuminated from top to bottom, and from the tower of the Institute a display of blue lights, Roman candles, &c, took place. The juncture of the Portadown and Derrymacash roads, in front of the residence of Mr John Handcock, JP. agent for Lord Lurgan, was a similar bonfire, and here also great numbers of people had assembled, cheering lustily. A large pile of tar barrels blazed on the Mall, another in Queen Street and a third in William Street, opposite the Works. At each of the localities jut mentioned a couple of barrels of beer were placed for the supply of the assembled crowds. But while these five bonfires—which were under the control of the committee—were, for various reasons, the chief centres of attraction, many of the shopkeepers in the principal thoroughfares had also barrels blazing opposite their establishments, so that, as the night advanced, almost a continuous row of fires ranged from the railway station, through William-street, and on up to the top of Market street.

The effect of the scene was still the illuminations of the buildings. Amongst the houses most brilliantly lighted were those of Charles Magee, Market-street; Mr Carter, Middle-row; Mr Fleming, Market-street and Castle-lane; Mr John, Market-street; Mrs Ruddell, The Mall, &c. Everything was conducted in the most orderly manner, nothing whatever occurred to mar the joyous proceeding.


6 August, 1864

Notice is hereby given that the fifteenth ordinary meeting of the proprietors, will be held at the companies offices, Edward Street, Lurgan on Wednesday the 31st day of August instant at one o'clock pm, to receive the report of the directors, their statement of accounts and transact the ordinary business of the meeting. The transfer books will be closed from the 18th to the 31st instant, both days inclusive. Benjamin L. Fearnley Secretary 6th August 1864


3 December, 1864

John Henderson of Lurgan, County Armagh, Grocer, to surrender all goods and chattels on Tuesday 6 December and Tuesday 20 December 1864.


17 September 1864

Estimates given for advertising in “The Daily Northern Whig” and “Weekly Northern Whig”.

Also for Plain and Ornamental Printing.

All Orders punctually attended too, and executed on the shortest notice from our offices at 59 Market Street, Lurgan.


28 September 1860

WILLIAM STREET, THE BEST PART OF THE TOWN OF LURGAN, within minutes’ walk of the Railway Station, well suited for the GRAIN or PROVISION TRADE, or for carrying on the LINEN MANUFACTURE ON AN EXTENSIVE SCALE, or any other business requiring a very larg and convenient Premises.



30 January, 1862

A witness named Thomas Magilligan, while giving evidence before the magistrates at Lurgan on Friday; excited a good deal of amusement by some of his replies to Mr. M'Mechan, the attorney who was examining him. On being asked if the party against whom the case was brought was sober, 'he replied. “ I saw Mr. Monaghan ." tossicated," but there never was a man drunk except Jonas.” (Loud laughter)

Mr. Hamil. “I think, Mr. Mechan you have caught a strange fish.” (Laughter)

Mr. Hancock (to witness): “Will you explain, what you mean by saying no man was ever drunk but Jonas?”

Witness. “Why, Jonas was drunk by the whale, without ever putting a tooth in' him, and that's what I mean.”

Mr. Mechan (to witness): “Do you mean to say: no man was ever drunk but Jonas?”

Witness: “I do mean that, for he was drunk up, and no one. else was so drunk up.”

Mr. Hamil (to Mr. Mechan): “Use the word drunkenness, and he'll understand it. If he knew the meaning of the phrase he would not be talking as he is.”

Mr. Mechan:- “You have been sworn on the word of God, and is that idle answer a proper one? You wretch!”

Mr. Hamil: “Oh, do not call the witness a wretch”

Witness to Mr. Mechann: “You are as big a wretch as I am.”

Mr. Mechan: “Do you swear that?”

Witness “You bear that 'opinion of me, and I bear the same of you.”

Mr. Mechan: “You are a pretty witness indeed.

Mr. Hamil “The witness merely used a figurative phrase the man was, drunk into the belly of a whale.”


11 March, 1862

From the All Ireland Criminal Offenders List 1862

“One class of offences, the perpetrators of which have hitherto been the most successful in escaping justice, being exceedingly difficult of detection, and more difficult still to prosecute to conviction is Infanticides. Information can rarely be obtained in these cases, in which the perpetrators have the strongest motives for concealment.”

Click image to enlarge it.

A full version of the All Ireland Criminal Offenders List for 1862 can be found on the Genealogy Ebooks website. CLICK HERE.


6 May, 1864

Lurgan, Saturday Morning, Ten o’clock. About three o'clock this morning one of the most destructive fires that has occurred in Lurgan for many years broke out at the premises of Mr. John Fleming, corner of Castle Lane, which a large pile of buildings has been left a heap of ruins, except some of the outer walls, and of which great fears are entertained, that they will fall and do great damage to the houses on the opposite side of the street. The fire was first observed by Mr. William Ridgway, a shoemaker, who was working late, and whose attention was attracted by the blaze. He at once gave the alarm, and in a very short time many willing workers were on the ground, and every one busied himself as far as practicable in removing from the premises all the moveable property they contained. The fire raged with unabated fury for nearly four hours, during which the crackling of the burning timbers, and the destruction of such goods as could not be removed from its coarse quickly enough, exhibited before the eyes of the terrified spectators sight rarely seen in this town.

Mr. Fleming was engaged in many branches of business—viz., as saddler, grocer, and publican, and, unfortunately, the greater part of the stock in each department was destroyed, or at least much injured as to make it unsaleable. The scene of the fire was houses that have been a long time erected and were so run into one another, that a fire in one house endangered the entire property. In this case the destructive element commenced, it is said, in one of the houses occupied by a tenant, which situate near the centre of the pile, and it is thought that, through some accident, the flame of a candle ignited a portion of a bed, and before steps could be taken to extinguish it, it so spread to catch the timbers, and thence it reached the adjoining houses. That this is the real origin of the fire we are not prepared to affirm, but, from the many rumours that are afloat, think this the most feasible cause. Fortunately, no lives have been lost, though some of the inmates had a very narrow escape, being forced to make their exit by means of ladders.

Too much credit cannot be given to the inhabitants of the town, who exerted themselves in such a manner as to call forth the approbation of many of the spectators. Among those whom we noticed were Mr. Usher, solicitor; Mr. John Douglas, Mr. John Neilus, and the members of the constabulary under Head-Constable M‘Curron. The want of water was grievously felt, as there was very little to be had; in consequence, a great deal of the property destroyed was unwillingly left prey to the devouring element. The premises are we understand, insured in the Royal Office for the sum of £800.


9 October, 1869

After twelve days' inquiry, and the examination of 150 witnesses, a batch of Lurgan rioters, belonging to both the Orange arid the Catholic parties, have been found guilty by the local magistrates, and fined in various small sums.

In pronouncing judgement upon the rioters, Mr. Handcock, J.P., gave the following description of their doings on the 13th July on returning from the sham-fight at Scarva.

They proceeded along Edward Street, as far as the convent, beating their drums and playing fifes. When opposite the convent, they stopped, set up a cheer, waved Orange, handkerchiefs, and shouted, ' To hell with the Pope, 'No, Surrender', 'Wreck the convent', 'where are the priests' and like expressions. Stones were then thrown at the convent from the drumming, party. Most, of the houses along here are inhabited by Roman Catholics, who, standing at their doors, or on the street, and beleiving that this was but the beginning of an attack on the convent, at once assailed' the Orangemen with stones. Eight police with sidearms only were following in the rear of the drumming party, and found the riot so serious that they retreated to the barracks, tor their rifles and for assistance.

During their absence a free fight continued with varying success to the combatants. A second drumming party came from Church Street to the assistance of their friends. The most exaggerated rumours prevailed that the convent' was wrecked, that a man was shot, that, a child was killed, &co and the people poured into Edward street. The police being now reinforced and fourteen in number made their way where the two parties were in collision, and, having fixed bayonets, succeeded in holding back the Catholic crowd. The drumming party then went on up the street towards Fallon's Row, waving hats and cheering, and pitching stones into the houses of Roman Catholics as they went along. When they reached Fallon's row they smashed every pane of glass in the row, and the occupiers of the houses, alarmed by the very unexpected onslaught, in nearly every case ran out backwards into the fields, offering no resistance.

The Orange party, now having that portion of the street to themselves, proceeded to make the work of destruction complete. They broke in the windows, window-sashes, and doors, took out the furniture, beds, blankets, looms, webs, and yams, piled all in a heap, opposite the gate lodge, and deliberately set them on fire. They took the meal and flour, scattered it on the road, and burnt the bags. The occupiers of the houses were quiet, inoffensive Roman Catholics, who had not been engaged in the previous riot, had not given the slightest provocation for this riot, and in some cases, were not aware that any disturbance had occurred. One poor Woman had the midwife in the house, hourly expecting her confinement. Another has been ill ever since from the fright. In one house a poor sick child had to be left in his bed up stairs, so precipitate was the flight of the parents; and when his sister subsequently ventured in for him, she was attacked by four ruffians, and beaten. In another house was a widow, eighty-five years old, and the wheel and swifts, by the aid of which she earned her livelihood, were snatched up, broken to atoms, and burnt. Every piece of crockery in their houses was smashed. They broke all the windows in the gate-lodge and were proceeding up the avenue when the police were heard approaching and they decamped.

He read the following passage from a speech delivered by a dignitary of the Church, and condemned the use of such language: “Mr. Gladstone's Bill also forces upon our beloved Queen the abrogation of that solemn oath which she took at the coronation. To me it seems to aggravate the conduct of the present Ministry that they should endeavour to force to coerce, our widowed Queen to forswear herself. As soon as the Queen shall affix, her sign manual to the Gladstone Confiscation Bill she will sever the golden link that binds the two countries together. She forswears herself and relieves the Irish Protestant of his allegiance. The revocation of the Act of Union will be as fatal to this country and to England as was the revocation of the Edict of Nantes to France, and as I said before, must be followed by a bloody revolution. It will then be for the Protestants of this country to consider what Steps they will take to recover their civil and religious freedom. We are, indeed, at the present moment, standing on the threshold of the Gladstone abattoir, but we are, thank God, not quite disembowelled. No, the 'Protestants of Ireland will once more stand shoulder to shoulder; they will fight hand in hand, and sweep every Fenian rebel and every infringer of their rights out of the Country, clear them out — ay, and the Mayor of Cork and his myrmidons into the bargain.


9 September 1860

The board of guardians will, on THURSDAY, the 23d September, 1860, proceed to elect a competent person to fill the office of SCHOOLMASTER of the Workhouse. At a salary of £25 per Annum, with rations and apartments. Sealed applications, enclosing Testimonials, should be addressed to the Presiding Chairman, and lodged with or before WEDNESDAY the 22nd inst.

By Order, THOMAS HUNTER, Clerk of Union. Board-room, Sept. 2, 1860.

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