Lurgan's Dead from
The Great War 1914-18
James Alexander Moygannon
Private Moygannon J. A.
"B" Coy. 5th Bn.
Royal Irish Fusiliers
who died on
8 December 1915. Aged 20
Additional Information:
Son of David and Martha Moygannon, of 65 Factory Lane, Lurgan, Co. Armagh.
Grave or Reference Panel Number:
II. G. 8.
Letter from James Moygannon to his parents: 26th September 1914:
“Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well; hoping you are the same. I wish you could get me some
“fags,” as I could be doing with them, because we can’t get paid, and even if we do, we can’t buy anything. I am
not allowed to tell you where I am at present, because our letters may be caught by the Germans, and they read
them, so if we tell you where we are they would soon find us out. We already have the “first bar on the middle.”
I have been in it a bit, and am quite safe at present. I am taking your advice, and doing what is right, so you
need not worry about me. You can tell them all I was asking how they are getting on. Don’t forget to send some
fags, as I haven’t had a smoke since I was away. P.S. Cheer up, I will soon be home again – J. M.”
Letter from Sergeant C. Nicholson to Martha Moygannon: 19th February 1916:
“Dear Mrs Moygannon – It was very kind of you to let me know of the death of your son Jimmy, and I wish you
accept my sincere sympathy. He was always a brave hard working lad, and one whom I always took a great
interest in ever since he joined the regiment. We were through many hardships and dangers together, and I
always found him trustful, cheery and willing, no matter how great the danger or how many the hardship. He
was under my charge when he was wounded at St. Julien, and I was the first one he called for after being hit. I
could not go to him for my Platoon officer had been killed and I had my hands full, so I called another sergeant
to give him first aid and sent a man to carry him back across the river to safety. It was with deep regret that I
and many others learned of his death, but I am sure he passed out of this world with a clear conscience and may
his soul rest for ever in the keeping of God.”
Compiled by Ken Austin from information supplied by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. www.cwgc.org. Our thanks to Richard Edgarfor Additional Information.
We make this information freely available to genealogists and Family Historians, but at no time may this information be used on a pay site or sold for profit.

